Saturday, November 13, 2010

May God Bless Ur Soul Michelle..

Date : 3 November 2010

Pagi ni saya tido jam 4.30am.....Ntah la napa saya x dapat tdo.......Nasib baik la class jam 12pm cancel so jam 3pm baru ada class...Macam biasa pegi kolej nek keta kawan....maklumlah dah ada lesen memandu kan...selagi ada peluang bawa sy suka jd penumpang..haha....Hari ni class sejam ja, juz study buat surat dakwa...hermnn...x la susah sangat....Time dalam class x perasan pula hp vibrate....ya la tengah concentrate buat mind map..dah la kena antar ari tu jg..lagipun x boleh sambut any incoming call ni dalam area kolej....Dalam keta tu baru perasan, time nak sambut, dah letak pula da...terkejut juga coz banyak sangat misscalled dari no. michelle dan mummy michelle..huh....pelik juga coz sebelum ni x pernah pun mcm tu...datang la mesej dr UPAX celcom, kononnya ada peti simpanan suara...x lama kemudian saya terima sms dari michelle "kim, michelle pass away this morning.." sy rasa macam x percaya baca sms tu tapi airmata saya tetap jatuh.....kawan saya terkejut then tanya saya apa yg berlaku tp saya diam...terus dia amik hp di tangan saya....Sepanjang perjalanan balik, fikiran saya terus teringatkan michelle....sepanjang perjalanan tu juga airmata saya mengalir terus...Time sampai hostel, saya dengar voicemail...time tu rasa lemah ja badan dengar mum michelle cakap.........walaupun dia 100% ckp in chinese tapi saya bley faham apa yang dia ckp.....

Jam 5pm kami bertolak dari hostel ke Hospital Ampang.....Hasrat kami adalah untuk melihat michelle untuk terakhir kali...saya kira bertuah coz saya ada datang melawat dia kat hospital awal bulan july ni, itupun Ariel yg bawa..(Thanx Ariel..sebab bawa sy dtg jumpa michelle..pandai juga ariel buat suprise....)Petang tu memang macam2 dugaan yang kami lalui..dah la sesat jalan...saya x ingat g da jln ari tu...memang jauh kami tersesat...Memang serba salah juga dgn mum michelle coz dia tunggu kami da sejam lebih....Last2 mereka terpaksa jalan dulu ke Kwong Tong Chinese Cemetery kat Jln Loke Yew...Sepatutnya kami kena sampai jam 5.30pm coz jam 6pm upacara sembahyang start....Apa-apa pun kami tetap cari tempat tu walaupun x tahu...kami banyak tanya dengan org sekeliling terutama org cina..coz org cina lebih tahu tempat tu....Sepanjang perjalanan, saya banyak mendiamkan diri..saya langsung x dapat fokus....fikiran saya melayang-layang teringatkan michelle....
Dekat jam 8pm, kami selamat sampai juga di tempat tu atas bantuan uncle taxi......saya keluar saja dari taxi, terus mum michelle peluk saya dengan erat sambil menangis...saya memang x dapat tahan airmata saya time tu...Dia pegang erat tangan saya then bawa saya ke tempat michelle.....saya x mampu cakap apa-apa, saya juz nangis nangis dan nangis....tersentuh hati saya dengar bila mum michelle ckp dlm chinese "michelle, kim dah dtg tengok kau...dia datang dgn kwn-kwn kau....baik-baik la kau di sana ok"...then dia ckp dgn kami "michelle ckp dia gembira kamu semua dtg".........then mum michelle bawa kami duduk dkt kerusi...Auntie michelle dtg jumpa saya, dia suruh kami balik coz dah lewat lgpun esok ada class lagi tetapi memandangkan kwn-kwn yang lain blm sampai so kami tunggu mereka sampai dulu baru kami balik....lebih kurang jam 8pm lebih mereka sampai, berjaya jg mereka sampai ke tempat tu walaupun ikut google map...haha..hebat...
Sebelum kami balik, kami tengok michelle lagi untuk kali terakhir...saya renung muka dia..dia memang cantik, dia kelihatan senyum...tapi sayangnya...dia masih muda untuk pergi meninggalkan kami....dia sebaya dgn saya...walaupun kami baru kenal tapi kami sangat rapat....Selama ni saya ikhlas bantu michelle dan sekarang saya betul-betul rasa kehilangan dia....Ini adalah kali kedua saya rasa kehilangan kawan yang sangat rapat.......Tapi saya sangat kagum dgn dia sebab dia mampu bertahan begitu lama....Doctor kata michelle masih ada tempoh seminggu untuk hidup tetapi awal pagi ni jam 5.30am dia pergi tanpa menunggu papa dia datang keesokan harinya...Tapi mlm tu dia menangis menahan sakit...michelle cuba nak beritahu sesuatu tapi mum michelle x tau apa yang dia cuba sampaikan sebab dia terlalu mengantuk....Pagi tu, doktor mengesahkan michelle meninggal jam 5.30am.......Tuhan lebih sayangkan dia...sesungguhnya dia adalah pelajar yang bijak dan baik.....Tapi saya bersyukur sebab sempat berkenalan dgn dia.....asal dengar lagu "Yue liang biao wo de xin" sy akan teringatkan dia...sebab kami slalu nyanyi lagu ni dulu.....I luv u michelle....God Bless u.....R.I.P..

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Lunch for today (Pizza Hut)

1st of all, thanx to Hana coz blanja mkn Pizza Hut...Dia janji blanja mkn Pizza Hut sejak semester 1 lg..haha..x sangka dia ingat pla...11.30pm, unit 5-23...

Pizza : Halo, selamat tengahari...bley saya dapatkan no telefon cik?
Kim : Ah, ye..boleh...019864****..
Pizza : nama cik?
Kim : Nurhana Johari..
Pizza : ok, bley sy dptkan alamat penuh cik?
Kim : Unit 5-23, Pangsapuri sering Angsana....
Pizza : Pangsapuri seri Angsana..
Kim : eh, bkn2..sering...
Pizza : Sari ke seri??
Kim : bkn..Sering bang..S..E..R..I..N..G..
Pizza : oo..ok...
Kim : Jln Sg.Sering, Tmn sg.Sering 43200,cheras selangor..
Pizza : ni dekat dgn batu brape??
Kim : batu 9..
Pizza : ok, cik nak pesan ape?
Kim : Chicken supreme dan Island supreme..
Pizza : large or medium?
Kim : Large..
Pizza : Semuanya RM50.30..nak bayar cash or guna kad?
Kim :Cash..
Pizza : Nak tambah apa2 lg? sup ke..
Kim : harga sup brape?
Pizza : RM1.90...
Kim : kejap ea..(wuii..hana, mau + apa2 lg ka? hana : x perlu la..)
Kim : mm...tu je la..
Pizza : ok..semuanya RM50.30...Pizza akan sampai dlm masa 30min dr sekarang..
Kim : ok.tq..
Pizza : sama2..

cringggg....(Hp berbunyi..) 0391334012...

Pizza : cik nurhana ke?
Kim : ye, saya..
Pizza : cik order chicken dan island supreme large kan?
Kim : ah, ye..
Pizza : saya akan hantar dalam masa 30min..saya xkan antar naik atas tau...sampai kat sana nanti saya call awk ok..
Kim : ok..

30min kemudian...tuk tuk..(Pintu diketuk..)

Pizza : Pizza rumah cik Nurhana ke?
Yanie : Jap ye..
Pizza : cik nurhana ke?
Kim : ye, saya..
Pizza : ah, ni pizza yg awk order, semuanya RM50.30..
Kim : sebentar ye...(sambil sambut pizza tu)...then buka dompet amik RM50.30...nah...
Pizza : semua budak sbh srwk eh?
Kim : a'ah....trima kaC...(sambil senyum)
Pizza : sama2...

2 minit selepas tu...message no 1 SE (menandakan ada msg msk) 019345****...

Hana : kim, sy rasa ni lelaki yg antar Pizza tu tadi la...
Kim : napa? (dgn muka blur smbl amik hp hana..)
Hana : tengok msg dia ni...
Pizza : "Awk mmg terbaik la pompuan yg sy jumpa rider piza"...
Kim : hahahaahahahahahahahaaaaa......
Hana : Dia silap nombor ni....
Kim : dah kita guna nombor ko tadi order pizza...hahahahaaa....
Hana : Dia suka ko la kim..haha...
Kim : X payah reply la...

our lunch for today is.......

 Chicken supreme

Island supreme (i like this 1...sedapp..)

Bil : RM50.30

Dirasmikan oleh  KIM..island supreme..haha...

Fuh..mmg sedap....nyum2

nyum2.....Pizza Hut Delivery..msh panas2 lg...

P/s : GBFF--> thanx hana.....mmuahhhhxxx......Girl BestFrenz 4ever..Luv u...(^_^)Y

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Laptop oh Laptop!!!

27 September 2010 @ 7 hari b4 final exam...

Bad day....(T_T)....skali lg masalah laptop timbul...bulan march lepas laptop kena curi....baru-baru ni plak LCD laptop pecah..adoyaiiii!!!!!!!!!!!....apa la bala yang menimpa sy ni......laptop msh baru, hbs byr pun belum (baru 3 bulan guna..)..sekarang kena buat bajet baru lagi....10sen oo....
Laptop : RM195 x 3bln = RM585
Repair LCD laptop : RM 700-RM800 (abg sy sms "laoban tu ckp LCD bkn under warranty, harga nak repair LCD dlm RM700-RM800, ko nak repair laptop ko skrg or tunggu hbs byr laptop dulu?" dgn nada yg slumber tp dlm ati mrh da kot..huhu.. tp dia x mrh sbb yg byr deposit & laptop tu sy cuma guna nama dia je utk loan...if nak repair, TOTAL = RM1385 (bley bli 1 notebook ni...huhu..) Bil broadband pun berjln jg..agak2 tahun dpn nak potong broadband ke x dpt plak sy nak update blog ni nanti....haishhh!!!!!
+ frust oo coz x dpt saving utk bli DSLR lagi...ingat nak saving utk bli DSLR lps hbs byr nampaknya hasrat terpaksa ditangguhkan.....if harapkan abg sulung, x bley...dia pun nak guna duit jg, plus dia yg sara family...harapkan abg yg sorang, lg la x bley, coz 23 OCT ni dia da nak kawen...tu pun sy x dpt balik coz tiket mahal sangat (gpun bajet x..)....harapkan abg kandung pun x bley, coz dia x keja g sbb baru je accident ari tu (thn ni da 2x accident..kcian...)..kos perubatan abg sulung yg tanggung...pendek kata x nak la menyusahkan mereka selagi sy mampu tanggung diri sendiri....

ni la laptop ku yg kcian..huhu..

P/s : Thanx a lot to my Dear Friend GUI FOO CHEN @ Boboy kerana banyak membantu...ko mmg baik la boy...xie xie ni...sory coz menyusahkan ko..huhu..thanx sbb sanggup dtg jumpa sy di Leisure Mall petang tu sbb laptop sy ja..sunway p leisure mall jauh tu...thanx jg dgn kwn ko sbb bawa laptop sy blk sabah...and tq jg utk siau ching sbb tlng amik laptop tu then bg bro sy... (^_^)Y
thanx ya....

Saturday, September 18, 2010

TeddyBearSitter Raya....

sebelum roomate2 ku blk cuti raya...mereka pesan :
1.) Along--> "Kimmmm....tolong jaga bebeh & browny sy"
2.) Ping2-->"Kimmm...tolong jaga BB sy"
 Inilah pesanan2, sy watpe dgn benda2 berharga mreka ni.....haha..jd model sy la...
yg ganjil ckit tu..yg cute2 n montel2 tu sy punya....MashiMaro...haha...comel kan???ekekeke...susah nak dpt ni beb....payah nak cari....hmnn, ni la aktiviti sy kelmarin..hbskan masa dgn mreka ni...ari ni, tuan punya patung nak balik, selesai la sdh tugasku sebagai TeddyBearSitter.....ntah ape ke ganjaran ny ek...w8 & c...hehe....(^_^'')Y

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

1st day~Boring Day

my activity during raya holiday,juz cook something and,i make agar2 mixed nata de own recipe..lalala~sedap oo... (^_^) i wanna share how to make it..hehe...1st : Dissolve 1 packet of agar2 powder (i choose the red color) n 250g of fine sugar..2nd : Pour the mixture in a litre of cool water stir and bring to boil over low heat then put santan & some of nata de coco (strawberry)...3rd : Pour with the agar2 solution into moulds and allow to cool then put moulded agar2 solution in the refrigerator for 1/2 hour..haha...look at this picture "K"=Kim..hehe...i juz cut it n eat..but nsb baik sempat amik picture b4 hbs....(^_*)Y

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Famous FooD in KB. . .

Mi Sup KB paling Sedaapppppppp.........

Kan Lau Mee KB.......

Wanna eat all this food....Kalau Datang KB, memang rugi x try makan benda ni....thumbs up*.....

Miss my Hometown. . .

                                                        I miss my hometown so much............

                                                               My Favourite Durian  >.<



                                                                  ALL IN KB....... >.<

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Sempena Bulan Ramadhan ini....saya ingin mengucapkan "Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa" kepada rakan2 yang beragama muslim.....
Sempena Bulan Puasa ini juga, saya turut berpuasa (walaupun saya bukan beragama Muslim)...hehe..percaya atau tidak...kita tunggu dan lihat hasilnya selepas puasa.....
Mudah-mudahan saya mampu berpuasa selama sebulan, sebab saya nak buktikan bahawa saya mampu....tahun lepas saya gagal...tahun ini tak mungkin saya akan gagal lagi....Walaupun sekarang ni saya diserang flu, tp dengan dorongan kawan-kawan dan orang tersayang, saya pasti mampu melakukannya....NO DRINK, NO EATING, DO NOT ANGRY....yeahhhh, I CAN DO IT!!!!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Jogging from hostel sering angsana apartment to PGA cheras(FRU apartment)

Friday, 16 July 2010

Setelah sekian lama pencen from aktif bersukan...baru hari ni sy join kwn2 sy p jogging...hehe..mengambil masa lbh kurang 45minit dari hostel ke PGA (FRU apartment)..huhh..mmg penat wlupn sy cuma berjln kaki (haha..x larat nak berjogging...)..tujuan sebenar sy pun bkn nak berjogging tp sekadar nak jumpa baby (anak buah kwn yg cute..hehe..)...wlupn mreka jauh meninggalkan sy d blkng tp enjoy jg sbb keja sy asyik amik pic ja..haha..wlupn bjln kaki, rasa bangga jg oo lps smpi PGA wlupn sy org terakhir yg sampai sana (biar lmbt asal selamat..hehe)...lbh happy lps hug & kiss baby..hohoho..(long tym no c ba..)..IKLAN--> mmg sweet la family mreka tu..pasangan yg bahagia (bley jd contoh)...suami yg rajin & bertanggungjwb (memsk, bersihkan umah, hidangkan mknan, cuci pinggan, cuci pakaian & urus anak2)...isteri yg sporting, friendly, sweet, penyayang n sentiasa di sisi suami..haishh,mmg loving couple la (mdh2an sy pun mcm tu nanti..ahaks!!)....+ bahagia dgn kehadiran anak2 yg comel wlupn nakal....CONTINUE--> Tepat 9.30pm baru balik hostel...balik tu x lg berjogging, tp dihantar guna kreta...hahaha..."TIRED BUT HAPPY".....

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

TiaDa Lagi by GBFF...

hang out with my girl bestfren forever (GBFF) on friday evening...sumbang pun sumbang la, yg penting HAPPY-GO-LUCKY.... (^-*)Y

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Don't care if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend right now.
I don't care if you are a guy or a woman or Michael Jackson.
Just read this, it will make a difference.
If only everyone could see this and understand it.
When she stares at your mouth
Kiss her
When she pushes you or hits you like a dummy cause she thinks shes stronger than you
Grab her and don't let go
When she starts cursing at you trying to act all tough
Kiss her and tell her you love her
When she's quiet
Ask her whats wrong
When she ignores you
Give her your attention
When she pulls away
Pull her back
When you see her at her worst
Tell her she's beautiful
When you see her start crying
Just hold her and don't say a word
When you see her walking
Sneak up and hug her waist from behind
When she's scared
Protect her
When she steals your favorite hoodie
Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night
When she teases you
Tease her back and make her laugh
When she doesn't answer for a long time
reassure her that everything is okay
When she looks at you with doubt
Back yourself up
When she says that she loves you
she really does more than you can understand
When she grabs at your hands
Hold her's and play with her fingers
When she bumps into you;
bump into her back and make her laugh

When she tells you a secret
keep it safe and untold
When she looks at you in your eyes
dont look away until she does
When she says it's over
she still wants you to be hers
When she reposts this bulletin
she wants you to read it
- Stay on the phone with her even if she's not saying anything
- When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go
- When she says she's ok don't believe it, talk with her because 10 yrs later she'll remember you
- Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her
-Treat her like she's all that matters to you
- Stay up all night with her when she's sick
- Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think it's stupid
- Give her the world.
- Let her wear your clothes
-When she's bored and sad, hang out with her
-Let her know she's important.
- Don't talk about other girls around her
- Kiss her in the pouring rain
- When she runs up to you crying, the first thing you say is:
"Whose ass am i kicking baby?"
If you do post this in the next four minutes the one you love will :
Call you
Kiss you
Love you
Text you
Guys post as: "I'd be this Boyfriend.
Girls post as: "A real boyfriend"

Saturday, July 3, 2010

2nd TriP To GenTinG..

Date : 26 June 2010..

My 2nd trip to genting..not very fun, unforgettable memories oo...I do not want to go but my fren ask me to go because he had no friends, I sympathized with him so I became a friend of his the same time, I am a tour guide on the trip..We depart from the hostel at 8.30pm and reached the bus station in Bukit Jalil at 9.25am .. we arrived around 11am .. after that, we take a cable car for 10minit ..we have no breakfast and we are very hungry so we decided to having lunch at Marry Brown (near the theme park).
on the way to Marry brown for lunch, my friends call me and ask the way..inadvertently three of my friends left behind in the cable car because of careless picture .. I had to turn back to the place to find them. .Then we having lunch at Marry Brown around 1pm, I order nasi ayam rendang and Pepsi .. I was only able to eat some feedback just because the food is not tasty .. I felt in the food flavor turmeric, it makes me feel nauseous. .while waiting for my friends finish to eat, i go to the music machine to select a song .. I choose a song "where is the love" but I mistakenly put the code so the malay songs .. "ewahh, bulan ..." played .. all the people who were eating in the restaurant looking at me and smile .. I was so ashamed ooo that time ... 8 of my fren going to theme and my fren kelly go to 1st world plaza..we just walked and photographed there (around 500 pic)..we are very tired of walking in the 1st world plaza, so we went to k-box to sing while get some rest .. I just sing 6 songs (because cashier tu x bgtau, 10songs if sing in the small room..geram!!!).after that, my friends call and ask us where they are .. they said that they in the 1st world area hotels, but apparently they in cable car area.. I was so tired of looking them in the 1st world plaza ..We q for an hour to take a cable car .. we were very hungry that time .. we planned to eat at the stesen bus waiting area soon .. 2 of my fren still in the back because they go to toilet. and 6 of my fren pula already ride the cable car..i was suprised because my fren is willing to accompany me to wait 2 of our fren..hmnn,
while riding a cable car and out of that place, I was surprised by the weather and the dark and the wind is strong,rain .. thunder also...huh,very scary. .i remember my family that tears down..i really "gayat" and dizzy when a cable car stop and rocking..i feel like vomiting(coz of perut 0, cannot muntah oo..)..bergegar juga that time..i think this will never fren ask me to menyandar my fren (worry maybe..)but i think i cant do that because of.......(skip..hihi)..after kluar from cable car,i go to toilet and muntah..huh,,i felt no energy..but im happy coz my fren care about me and always on my side..while waiting for a bus, i am very dissapointed because restaurant tu closed, i just buy maggie ayam in cup n eat lo.. (nasib baik ada hot water kat kedai 7seven tu..)..i just sleeping during perjalanan balik..huh, very tired oo...after the bus reach bukit jalil station, we singgah "makan" di restaurant bersebelahan ktm Bukit Jalil..then i order "bang,teh o ais limau 1 ea.." but the waiter give me 1 teh o ais no sugar + 1 limau ais= 2 glass..haha..once again i go to toilet n muntah..huh..we going back to hostel by taxi...very tired oo (no energy)...anyway, thanx 4 d day my frenz..(^-*)Y

Friday, June 25, 2010

FooD SaFeTy Day 2010

Date : 7th ApriL 2010
LocaTioN : Masterskill University College Health & Sciences
AJK : StuDenT Diploma in Environmental HealtH batch 200901
 This is my 1st time involved in my Campus Program. .As a "Camera Girl & Pembantu Tugas Khas", i was busy with the decoration in LHG-03 (venue for majlis penutupan Food Safety Day) and taking picture throughout the Food Safety Day..Our Food Safety Lecturer, Madam Nurdina Awanis was proud of us coz we make it good. . (^-*)