Saturday, September 18, 2010

TeddyBearSitter Raya....

sebelum roomate2 ku blk cuti raya...mereka pesan :
1.) Along--> "Kimmmm....tolong jaga bebeh & browny sy"
2.) Ping2-->"Kimmm...tolong jaga BB sy"
 Inilah pesanan2, sy watpe dgn benda2 berharga mreka ni.....haha..jd model sy la...
yg ganjil ckit tu..yg cute2 n montel2 tu sy punya....MashiMaro...haha...comel kan???ekekeke...susah nak dpt ni beb....payah nak cari....hmnn, ni la aktiviti sy kelmarin..hbskan masa dgn mreka ni...ari ni, tuan punya patung nak balik, selesai la sdh tugasku sebagai TeddyBearSitter.....ntah ape ke ganjaran ny ek...w8 & c...hehe....(^_^'')Y

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

1st day~Boring Day

my activity during raya holiday,juz cook something and,i make agar2 mixed nata de own recipe..lalala~sedap oo... (^_^) i wanna share how to make it..hehe...1st : Dissolve 1 packet of agar2 powder (i choose the red color) n 250g of fine sugar..2nd : Pour the mixture in a litre of cool water stir and bring to boil over low heat then put santan & some of nata de coco (strawberry)...3rd : Pour with the agar2 solution into moulds and allow to cool then put moulded agar2 solution in the refrigerator for 1/2 hour..haha...look at this picture "K"=Kim..hehe...i juz cut it n eat..but nsb baik sempat amik picture b4 hbs....(^_*)Y